
Dental Blogs -Studio Z Dental in Louisville, CO



Is Your Dentist Really Holistic?

Holistic dentistry are words that are popular search terms on the internet. Numerous dental offices insert the word "Holistic" on their website. However, upon closer inspection, it is on the website simply as "clickbait." ....

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Advantages of using Laser technology when treating Gum Disease (Periodontal disease)

Gum disease is caused by a bacterial infection which starts in the pocket or space between your teeth and gums. If left untreated, this infection commonly spreads into the periodontal ligament, a group of specialized connective tissue fibers made of collagen, that attach your tooth to your bone...

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The Reasons You Need A Dental Exam- Not Just A Cleaning

At Studio Z Dental, we provide a thorough dental exam after each dental cleaning. 

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High-Quality In-Office vs. Bargain Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening might seem basic and straightforward, but it’s a complicated process. We offer Zoom in-office laser teeth whitening, which is the gold standard.

 Here are essential details to know about the hidden costs of bargain whitening services

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Not All Nightguards Are Created Equal


The Importance of Nightguards

Any time teeth are wearing against each other, it’s a big problem. Not just for the health of your teeth, but also for your jaw and facial muscles.

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Insurance Terminology Explained In Easy Language

Insurance lingo is confusing.  We've created this guide to clarify definitions of commonly used dental insurance language.  We are always available to help our patients navigate their insurance plans and benefits, so feel free to call us anytime.

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Dental Membership Savings Plan

For most people without dental insurance, the only option is to pay fully for all dental costs out of pocket at the time of service. We understand this often makes people delay preventive treatments that are important for their health. 

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 The Importance of X-rays for Children and Adults

“I’ve heard X-rays aren’t good for me, why do I (or my kids) need them?”

This is an important question many of our new patients ask. As many people know, doing unnecessary dental treatments can have a negative effect on your health. We take time, at each visit, to make sure we are doing everything necessary for your health, while not overdoing anything. ...

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 Exciting New 3D Imaging Technology

At Studio Z Dental, we are committed to doing everything possible to facilitate your dental health. We are always in search of the best technology and our new 3D imaging scanner plays an important part in achieving this goal. ....

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What is a Holistic/Biologic Dentist exactly?

This is an important question to ask. There isn’t a governing body regulating Holistic Dentists in the same way the American Dental Association, A.D.A, is guiding general dentists. Holistic dentists have to maintain the regulations and standards of practice set out by the Board of Dentistry in each state, as do all dentists. Holistic dentists often go above the State Board’s standard practices of care and get additional certifications and memberships. In other words, most all holistic dentists would meet the criteria of "above" the standard of care because they need to always meet the A.D.A regulations, and then they go above the standard by adding to it. ....

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Sealants.  What you need to know for your health.

A dental sealant is a thin plastic coating applied to the back teeth. It protects teeth from decay. Sealants help prevent tiny pieces of food and bacteria from getting into crevices and grooves in the teeth. There are many areas on the tooth where brushing and flossing can’t get at the bacteria and food particles. Prevention of anything getting into the grooves can help the teeth stay healthy.

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Importance of High Quality Dental Implants

A dental implant is one of the most effective ways to replace a missing or failing tooth. It can take approximately 4-9 months, from start to finish.

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Why Deep Cleanings (Scaling and Root Planing) Are Necessary for Patients with Gum Disease

While a regular dental cleaning is an in-and-out procedure that can be completed in 30 to 60 minutes, a deep cleaning is a much more extensive and time-consuming process. Your hygienist will pay special attention to removing build-up on your teeth, roots and along your gumline to help restore a health environment inside your mouth.

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You Get What You Pay For In Dentistry

 When choosing a dentist, it is important to decide on your top priority in making the decision.

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Now Offering Digital Impressions

 We are committed to keeping up to date on the best, leading-edge technology. What is the reason? We know it is best for your health and long-term success of the work we perform.

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 97% Average Insurance Reimbursement

You want the very best dental care for your family, but you worry it’ll cost more than you can afford.

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 Best Dentist Award 2017

Hooray! We want to give a big shout out to our patients who voted us Best Dentist (Dr. Tom) and Runner Up (Dr. Jenna) for the 2017 Best of East Boulder by the Daily Camera Dentist Category.

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IAOMT SMART Certified Mercury Filling Removal

The IAOMT protocol recommendations for amalgam removal are known as the Safe Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique (SMART).

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Happy to Add Dr. Zade Faraj To Our Team

Studio Z Dental in Louisville, CO, is Happy to Add Dr. Zade Faraj to Their Prestigious Holistic Dental Office.

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Traditional Dentist vs Holistic Dentist

If it’s not broke don’t fix it, right?! Why is Holistic Dentistry any better than traditional?

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What is Mercury-Safe? Are All Dentists Mercury Safe?

The Difference Between Mercury Free and Mercury Safe In a world where we are exposed to various toxic chemicals, we may forget the ones already in our bodies – including mercury. As dental practices evolve beyond the standard mercury silver filling, there are new techniques to help manage the removal of mercury amalgams safely to ensure there is no exposure and health risk. At Studio Z Dental, we firmly believe in being “mercury free”, and have been so since 2000. What does that mean for you? It simply means we do not offer silver ....

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Out-Of-Network Dentistry Offers Highest Quality And Best Value

Get the highest quality and best value with an Out-of-Network Dentist.

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New Treatment Technology in Studio Z Dental

Studio Z Dental is now operating a new disinfecting system that utilizes ozone diffusion technology for even cleaner, healthier dental visits. ....

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Spotlight on Dr. Tom Zyvoloski, DDS, NMD, IBDM

Congrats to Dr. Tom in earning a new Doctorate Degree.


Do You Have Mercury in Your Mouth?

Many people underestimate the health risks of mercury. They know that it’s in tuna, and some know that mercury is in their silver amalgam fillings. But what most people are not aware of is that there is no safe level of mercury exposure. Mercury is more toxic than lead, cadmium or even arsenic. It is the most toxic, non-radioactive element on the earth. Just one atom of mercury is harmful to the body, and the greatest source of mercury ....

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Why You Should See an Out of Network Dentist

You take the safety and well being of you and your family’s health seriously. Along with ensuring a balanced diet and exercise or getting treatment for an illness or injury, your choice in your local, family dentist is an important part of this life approach.

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Holistic Dentistry Myths & Truths

Here at Studio Z Dental, we are a holistic dentistry office. Some people immediately get interested and excited when they hear we are holistic.

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Pursues Prestigious Eco Dentistry Certification with Earth Day in Mind

Studio Z Dental, a family-friendly general dental practice led by Dr. Tom Zyvoloski in Louisville, CO, is currently in the process of obtaining their Eco-Dentistry Certification, which will make Studio Z Dental the only general dental practice along the entire Front Range with an Eco-Dentistry membership and certification.

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Quality Matters: How to Choose a Great Dentist

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Zirconia Implants: A Great Alternative in Dental Implants

As implants can be an essential part of cosmetic dentistry, at Studio Z Dental we use the best implants available, including the highest quality Zirconia implants for the metal sensitive patient. ....

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A History Of The Amalgam Filling Controversy: What You Need To Know

Amalgam metal fillings can be toxic to your body because of the mercury off gassing into your body. Many dentists will claim there is no evidence of these metal fillings being toxic, so they still use them as a mainstay for fillings in their practice.

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Radiograph Digital X-Ray – Low Radiation for Your Health

You’ve heard x-rays can be harmful to your health. X-rays give off radiation, which in high doses can be harmful....

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Mercury Toxicity Detox- Why It’s Vital To Your Health

What could be wrong with those little silver fillings many dentists still use? You probably know they contain mercury and have heard that mercury is toxic to our bodies.

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At Home Holistic Dental Care

Here are our tips to keep up your holistic dental care at home. Keep your teeth and gums healthy all year long.

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Night Guards for Long Term Health

You wake up and your jaw is sore or you have a slight headache. It happens here and there. It doesn’t seem like a big deal until one day in your 50’s or 60’s you notice your teeth look shorter, a lot shorter. What happened?

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Invisalign: The Clear Alternative to Braces

You know you need braces. Your heart sinks a little thinking about sporting clunky metal teeth for a few years. Then, luckily you heard about Invisalign. Sometimes referred to as the Clear Braces.

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Committed to Water Conservation

Water conservation probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a dentist’s office, but there are innumerable ways the dental industry can reduce its water footprint while delivering the most comprehensive dental care. At Studio Z Dental, we’re active about the issue of water conservation so we’ve taken steps to reduce our water use. Here are a few examples of what we’ve done, and continue to do ....

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Take a Peek Inside Studio Z Dental

Take a look inside our green dental office in Louisville, CO! Studio Z Dental is committed to providing eco friendly dentistry to our amazing clients in and around the Boulder area. ....

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Battle Spring Allergies - Starting With Your Oral Health

While there are myriad ways to treat symptoms of hay fever — coughing, sneezing, itching eyes, running nose, etc. — it might prove more helpful to tackle the issue at its source. ....

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Cosmetic Dentistry- a Healthier, Beautiful Smile

When you hear the words cosmetic dentistry, you might think about the cosmetic, surface look of teeth. Or maybe it makes you think of what’s for lunch? Because dentistry makes you think of your mouth, and being hungry, and that yummy place you’ve been meaning to try out.

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Best Office For Patients Without Insurance.

At Studio Z Dental, our practice is built through our patients referring their friends and family to work with us, not by insurance payments or “discounts”.

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Studio Z Dental is Proud to Add Dr. Jenna Nicholson to the Staff

Join us in welcoming our new dentist, Dr. Jenna Nicholson, to Studio Z Dental! We're proud to have her on board and recently sent out a press release to announce the addition. ....

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Studio Z Voted Best Dentist in Broomfielder Magazine

Check it out! Studio Z Dental was voted by readers as the Talk of the Town's Best Dentist in Broomfielder Magazine! ....

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Studio Z Dental's New Referral Program

The greatest compliment you can ever give your dental office is the referral of your family and friends. To thank you, we are pleased to announce our new patient referral program for a limited time ....

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Infographic: Holistic Dentistry in an Eco-Friendly Office

Check out our brand new Infographic on holistic dentistry in our eco-friendly dental office. ....

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3 Fun Ways to Get Your Kids to Brush Their Teeth

If brushing your teeth seems like a menial task, imagine how uninterested your children are when it comes to good dental hygiene. However, we all know how important it is for them so we’ve come up with a few fun ways to entice (trick?) your kids to brush their teeth! 1. You Brush Your Kids Teeth and they Brush Yours! Your kids want to be involved, but a lot of times they are going to be resistant. A fun way to keep them involved is to let them brush YOUR teeth, and then brush theirs in return. This way, your kids feel useful, are having ....

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3 Weird Foods that Stain Your Teeth

It’s well known that coffee, tea and cigarettes are notorious teeth-stainers. But have you ever thought of what else may be turning those pearly whites into dull yellows? If you want to keep that smile dazzling instead of dismaying, you may want to think twice before munching down on anything containing these staining superstars: 1. CURRY It’s pungent, it’s flavorful, it’s Indian, and it stains. That’s right, the staple ingredient of any good Indian dish is also a main culprit in the fight against tooth stains ....

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Interactive Meridian Tooth Chart

The Meridian Tooth Chart is based on acupuncture meridians, pathways of energy that span across interrelated body parts, glands, and tissues. Each tooth is associated with a particular meridian, through which energy flows. ....

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Dr. Tom Zyvoloski

Dr. Zade Faraj

Dr. Sara Qadi           

Dr. Marsha Sonaty           

818 W South Boulder Rd
Louisville, CO 80027

Call  (303) 802-4313

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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the quick contact form below. Consumer information is not shared with third parties for marketing purposes.