3D Imaging Technology

At Studio Z Dental, we are committed to doing everything possible to facilitate your dental health. We are always in search of the best technology and our new 3D imaging scanner plays an important part in achieving this goal. 

Exciting New 3D Imaging Technology

Much of what happens in your mouth, that cause health issues is under the surface. Traditional 2-dimensional X-rays can detect important problems, but have limits. Now, we have a 3D imaging device that can detect problems anywhere in your jaw, gums, teeth, and bones with amazing clarity.  

This advanced detection can be vital to your overall health if you have chronic bone lesions around root canal treated teeth, or you have chronic bone infections from past extractions (cavitations). Without detection, chronic low-grade infections in the mouth compromise your immune system by making it work harder to handle the infection.  

3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

The Planmeca imaging device puts together 3D data from three different technologies into one X-ray unit. The three technologies are a Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) image, a 3D face photo, and a 3D model scan. The advanced software puts the image, face photo and model scan into one 3D image. Our dentists are able to see a virtual image of your face and mouth in full 3D. 

Very low radiation dose per scan

If you are thinking, “Wouldn’t this type of 3D imaging require high radiation to get such a multidimensional view?” The answer is that the Planmeca 3D cone beam imaging is unique and captures all of this data with ultra-low dose radiation. The CBCT imaging has an even lower effective patient dose than standard 2D panoramic imaging. This pioneering imaging protocol is based on intelligent 3D algorithms developed by Planmeca and offers a vast amount of detailed anatomical information at a very low patient dose.

Our dentists will use this 3D imaging unit in conjunction with our advanced ozone techniques. These together are truly two of the most advanced technologies available at any dental office. We are leading the way in helping you maintain the highest level of dental health. Call our office to ask questions and to set up your initial appointment. Contact us today.

Dr. Tom Zyvoloski

Dr. Zade Faraj

Dr. Sara Qadi           

Dr. Marsha Sonaty           

818 W South Boulder Rd
Louisville, CO 80027

Call  (303) 802-4313