Oral Cancer Screening

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Oral Cancer Facts

Knowing about oral cancer before symptoms occur is vital to fighting the disease.

Did you know oral cancer is the 6th most common form in the United States? We believe that early detection and learning the facts about oral cancer allow for the most minimally invasive treatments. Here are a few oral cancer facts to help get you started.

Who is at risk of oral cancer?

Everyone is potentially at risk for oral cancer. Still, research has linked higher chances of oral cancer to heavy smokers and drinkers. There are links with human papillomavirus (HPV) to oral cancer. 

How many people a day get cancer in the US?

Eighteen people every day are diagnosed with mouth cancer. Nine of those people have had a mouth ulcer for over a month without talking to their doctor about it.

What are the symptoms of oral cancer?

Common symptoms include the following in any area of the mouth (including the lips, cheeks, and throat): a lump, white or red patches, bleeding/pain/numbness, constant sore throat, pain when chewing/swallowing, swelling, change in voice, pain in the ear, and open sores.

If you are already experiencing oral cancer symptoms, seeking immediate medical attention is essential. Because of how cancer spreads, getting an oral cancer screening before symptoms occur is important.

What is an oral cancer exam?

An oral cancer exam is a screening done even before potential symptoms occur. It is vital to catch oral cancer early to ensure cancer doesn’t spread and only minimally invasive treatment is needed. Here at Studio Z, we do an oral cancer exam with every check-up, which means there’s no need to request it - we’ve got you covered.

How do I get an oral cancer exam?

Every time you visit Studio Z Dental for a dental exam, we will do an oral cancer screening and review your results. We recommend the exam for early detection. It takes less than 10 minutes. 

Want to know more about oral cancer exams? Make an appointment today: Call us at (303) 802-4313.


Dr. Tom Zyvoloski

Dr. Zade Faraj

Dr. Sara Qadi           

Dr. Marsha Sonaty           

818 W South Boulder Rd
Louisville, CO 80027

Call  (303) 802-4313

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